New Solar Law in Florida

How will the new Solar Law in Florida affect you?

Dear Individual or Family considering the purchase of a Solar Electric System, 


We are a twenty-two-year-old solar contractor located in beautiful Longwood Florida. We service the majority of Central Florida from our little Longwood office. If you are out of our area, we have trusted friends all over the state we can refer you to. 


There have been recent developments in the Floridian Solar Industry that affect us all. These developments are significant enough that it has altered the way we do business, and how we advise our prospective customers.

Let me explain:

In the past, when a prospective customer called us and asked us for a quote on a Solar Electric System, more often than not, we tried to talk them out of it. (Gasp! What?) Yeah, not completely, but initially. We knew early on that the solar industry was going to boom, and we know the kinds of personalities that booms attract, and we were desperate to separate ourselves from these low-hanging-fruit-picking-sales predators. We decided that the best way was to continue doing what we always did, and keep the customer’s best interests as our top priority. More often than not, it is in the customer’s best interest to not go Solar Electric first.


The majority of homes we visit to pre-site for solar electric are just not ready. Their attics leak like sieves, as do their windows and doors, they have a power guzzling twenty year old AC unit, and they are still keeping their water hot with antiquated methods. With limited panel space on most roofs, all the aforementioned problems make for a larger panel array requirement to make electricity that is ultimately wasted. This is an excellent situation if you are a less than ethical salesperson looking to knock it out of the park in the way of a huge Solar Electric Sale, but it is a disservice to the customer.


Most eager to buy solar electric customers dream of zeroing out their electric bill, or going “off-grid”, and here we come, trying to do the right thing, and talk about boring old attics and AC systems, and it has cost us a lot of solar electric business in the past. It has also garnered many calls from prospects that say that wished they had listened to our advice before buying thousands of dollars’ worth of panels they didn’t need. Our advice used to be to tighten up the home first, stretch that energy conservation dollar, wait a few months to see how these modifications affect consumption, and then size the home properly for solar electric panels based on real energy usage.

Now we are going the other direction. Buy your solar electric as soon as possible. Here’s why. A new law has passed the Florida House and Senate that says the power companies can sell you solar at retail, but buy it from you at wholesale. This makes it nearly impossible for you to “zero out” your electric bill without the added expense of costly batteries. For now, and until the first of 2023 when this law takes effect, we are advising solar electric prospects to pull the trigger now, because they will be grandfathered in for the next ten years on the old plan.


Here’s how strongly we feel about it. For those solar electric prospects who buy from us, and finance a solar electric system, anytime between now and December 31st, 2022, we will give a Visa Gift Card for the total of the payments from now until then. If your attic does leak like sieve, or your AC is ancient, you can use the savings toward that, or you can take the family on vacation, or save it for a rainy day, but the clock is ticking on Solar Electric and the time to act is now. The difference could mean thousands of dollars, and years before you see a return on your investment.

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